Readers may welcome some explanation why our three authors reversed the sequence of events by tackling the problems of beyond the best interest of the child earlier than in 1973 the difficulties and mistakes surrounding children placement loomed so large and so large and clamored so insistently for solution that the questions what and for what reasons these children find thmselves at he mercy of state disposition were pushed into the background.
Readers may welcome some explanation why our three authors reversed the sequence of events by tackling the problems of beyond the best interest of the...
This study of twenty-three children who suffered the death of a parent during childhood seeks to understand the psychological impact of bereavement on the young and to offer concrete suggestions for helping children cope with their loss.
This study of twenty-three children who suffered the death of a parent during childhood seeks to understand the psychological impact of bereavement on...
Written in clear, accessible terms, the book outlines the basic findings of psychoanalysis and their implications for the understanding, care, and education of young children. Titles of the lectures are Infantile Amnesia and the Oedipus Complex; The Infantile Instinct-Life; The Latency Period; and The Relation Between Psychoanalysis and Pedagogy.
Written in clear, accessible terms, the book outlines the basic findings of psychoanalysis and their implications for the understanding, care, and edu...
What principles should guide the courts in deciding the fate of hundreds of thousands of children involved every year in parental divorces and family breakdowns? What should justify state intrusion on the privacy of family relationships? How should professionals - judges, lawyers, social workers, psychiatrists, and psychologists - conduct themselves in pursuing the best interests of children who have been abandoned, neglected, or abused? The agonizing dilemmas posed by these three questions were the subject of one of the seminal publishing events in the history of The Free press. The result...
What principles should guide the courts in deciding the fate of hundreds of thousands of children involved every year in parental divorces and family ...
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republ...
Eine klassisch zu nennende Auswahl der Werke Sigmund Freuds, welche die Lücke zwischen den unkommentierten Einzelausgaben und der elfbändigen"Studienausgabe"schließt: Die"Werkausgabe in zwei Bänden"versteht sich als systematisch gegliederte, grundlegende Einführung in das Werk des Begründers der Psychoanalyse.§§Mit §-- einführenden Kommentaren der Herausgeberinnen§-- bibliographischen und didaktischen Anmerkungen §-- sowie einer ausführlichen"Lebenschronologie Sigmund Freuds"
Eine klassisch zu nennende Auswahl der Werke Sigmund Freuds, welche die Lücke zwischen den unkommentierten Einzelausgaben und der elfbändigen"Studie...
When The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense was first published in German in 1936 it was at once recognized as a major contribution to psychoanalytic psychology, and its translation into English quickly followed. More than half a century later it enjoys the status of a classic. Written by a pioneer of child analysis, and illustrated by fascinating clinical pictures drawn from childhood and adolescence, it discusses those adaptive measures by which painful and unwanted feeling-states are kept at bay or made more bearable.
Anna Freud's arguments have a clarity and cogency...
When The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense was first published in German in 1936 it was at once recognized as a major contribution to psychoana...
Anna Freud's book deals with a most neglected aspect of psychoanalysis--normality. Its chief concern is with the ordinary problems of upbringing which face all parents and the usual phenomena encountered by every clinician. Yet, though primarily practical and clinical in its approach, it also makes a major theoretical contribution to psychology.
The author begins with an account of the development of analytic child psychology, its techniques and its sources in child and adult analysis and direct observation of the child. She then describes the course of normal development, how it...
Anna Freud's book deals with a most neglected aspect of psychoanalysis--normality. Its chief concern is with the ordinary problems of upbringing which...
'This remarkable series of introductory lectures on psychoanalysis is, in fact, a lucid, elegant and profound overview of classic psychoanalytic theory, in which Anna Freud spells out the main aspects of psychoanalytic psychology. The simple and clear language characteristic of her lecturing, the precision of her concepts and their mutual relationships, and their liveliness of this comprehensive synthesis make for a thought provoking, exciting reading experience, even after forty years.'- Otto Kernberg
'This remarkable series of introductory lectures on psychoanalysis is, in fact, a lucid, elegant and profound overview of classic psychoanalytic theor...